Federal IT Management Overhaul

Posted on July 27, 2010, by , under News.

Under the guidance of White House Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra, the Office of Management and Budget froze all federal financial system modernizations, amounting to roughly thirty projects, in hopes of improving cost-efficiency.

“One of the challenges we see comes [from] the complexity of the financial management systems — everything ends up being over-engineered. This monolithic approach to federal IT isn’t working,” Kundra said to reporters last week. “This is not about preventing modernization. This is about making sure the IT dollars we’re investing within the federal government are producing results.”

A government review of the financial modernizations concluded that the majority of the 30 systems in place were behind schedule and over budget. Projects where too big to handle, most were on a ten year time-line. To start resolving this issue, Kundra along with the OMB has proposed a plan to break up government projects into manageable two year plans in order to save money and time.

Each agency will be meeting with the OMB to have their efficiency plans individually approved over the next month.

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